Sustainability model
Osoigo helps any organization to launch political advocacy campaigns. Participation and making questions is totally free and we will do everything in our hands in order to receive politicians’ answers whatever the cause. The only thing we want to do is encouraging communication and citizen participation. facilita un espacio para el diálogo directo y toma de decisiones entre la ciudadanía, organizaciones, representantes políticos e instituciones. Ofrecemos un servicio gratuito, independiente y accesible a todo el mundo. Queremos que personas como tú se involucren con las preguntas y organizaciones cambiando y resolviendo nuevos retos sociales.
Existen tres formas para apoyar e envolucrarse en el trabajo que hacemos.

Conectamos personas con asociaciones
Conectamos a las personas con asociaciones que mejor encajen con sus intereses y perfil social.

Ayudamos a cambiar con propuestas ciudadanas
Llevamos propuestas y aportaciones ciudadanas a las organizaciones que quieran transformar retos sociales

Impulsamos causas de interés general
Ayudamos a visibilizar causas de interés general lideradas por organizaciones con las que conectamos y colaboramos
At the same time, our sustainability model consists on creating campaigns aligned with our identity and help organizations and NGOs find people who better fit their social profile to help them economically through donations and membership.At the same time, our sustainability model consists on creating campaigns aligned with our identity and help organizations and NGOs find people who better fit their social profile to help them economically through donations and membership.
For this, Osoigo has partners, organization with which we share campaigns, cause an d community to help fundraising them. Osoigo locates the most committed and shared social campaigns and the partners put in contact with people who signed them in order to ask for donation or membership. That’s how Osoigo gets sustainability and at the same time helps NGOs.